MassDEP Hobby Farm BMPs for Watershed Protection

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Project Description

CEI worked with MassDEP to develop a statewide guidance document for residential farming activities called ‘Hobby Farming with Water Quality in Mind – a Guide to Successful Backyard Farming While Protecting Our Water Resources’. This comprehensive document was written for gardeners and small-scale farming activities to help protect nearby water quality through the use of BMPs and good housekeeping techniques.

Topics include:

  • Nutrient management including soil testing, fertilizer use and composting
  • Animal management including space needs, waterway access and manure management
  • Runoff Management including small scale BMPs such as buffers and raingardens
  • Operations and Management including chemical storage, integrated pest management, emergency planning and food safety

This public education document is available online as a full manual download or can be downloaded as separate fact sheets at